Location: Stockbridge, GA
Shift: Night 3x12-Hour (19:00 - 07:00)
Minimum Experience: 2 years; 1st Timers not accepted
Patient Population: Adults and Geriatrics
Certifications Required: BLS
General Skills and Work Setting Requirements: General Medical Surgical
Ratio / Census: 1:6; 32 Bed unit with average daily census of 28
Unit Systems: Epic, Pyxis, SBAR
Scrub Color: Navy Blue
RTO: MAX 7 days
Weekends: Every other weekend unless specified elsewhere
Floating: Yes, within facility
Call Requirements: None
Holidays: If one major holiday falls in his/her assignment period, the traveler is expected to work it. If two major holidays fall in his/her assignment period, the traveler is expected to work both of the holidays. If three major holidays fall in his/her assignment period, the traveler is expected to work two of the holidays.
Major Holidays are listed below:
New Year’s Eve and Day: Wednesday, December 31 and Thursday, January 1
Memorial Day: Monday, May 26
Independence Day: Friday, July 4
Labor Day: Monday, September 1
Thanksgiving/Black Friday: Thursday, November 27 and Friday, November 28
Christmas Eve and Day: Wednesday, December 24 and Thursday, December 25
Compliance: Full compliance required to start on time; if not compliant in time the push back is 2 weeks due to bi-weekly orientation schedule.
*Pre Screen*
Pre-Screen Unit - Candidate will be reviewed by clinical to determine clinical fit, if clinical pass and within Piedmont guidelines, candidate will be sent to the manager for final decision. Clinical screens will be sent on case-by-case basis.
Locals Accepted - Same Rate